Unleashing the Mystery of Suspicious Sand: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Entities Drop Loot from Specific Structures in Minecraft 1.21
Image by Maleeq - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Mystery of Suspicious Sand: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Entities Drop Loot from Specific Structures in Minecraft 1.21

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Ah, the enigmatic world of Minecraft, where the humble sand block holds secrets and surprises. In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the mystical realm of loot tables and entity manipulation, showing you how to make entities drop suspicious sand from specific structures using the `set_loot_table` function in Minecraft 1.21. Buckle up, adventurer, and get ready to unleash the mystery of suspicious sand!

The Mysterious World of Loot Tables

Loot tables are a crucial aspect of Minecraft’s game mechanics, controlling what items entities drop when they die or are broken. By harnessing the power of loot tables, you can customize the game to create unique experiences and challenges. In this case, we’ll focus on making entities drop suspicious sand from specific structures.

Understanding the Basics of Loot Tables

A loot table is essentially a JSON file that defines a set of items and their associated probabilities. These tables can be applied to entities, chests, and even structures. When an entity dies or a chest is opened, the game generates a random selection of items based on the loot table’s parameters.

  "pools": [
      "rolls": 1,
      "entries": [
          "type": "item",
          "name": "sand"

In the above example, we have a basic loot table with a single pool containing one entry – the sand item. The `rolls` parameter determines how many times the table is rolled, and the `entries` array lists the possible items to be dropped.

Setting Up the Suspicious Sand Structure

For this tutorial, we’ll create a simple structure using Minecraft’s built-in `/setblock` command. This will serve as the foundation for our suspicious sand-dropping entities.

Open your Minecraft game and type the following command in the chat window:

/setblock ~ ~ ~ stone 0 replace

This will create a stone block at the player’s current location. Let’s modify the command to create a 5×5 structure:

/fill ~ ~ ~ ~4 ~4 ~4 stone 0 replace

This will generate a 5×5 stone structure centered around the player’s location. You can adjust the coordinates and block type to fit your needs.

Crafting the Suspicious Sand Entity

Now that we have our structure in place, it’s time to create the entity that will drop the suspicious sand. We’ll use the `/summon` command to spawn a custom entity.

Type the following command in the chat window:

/summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Suspicious Entity",LootTable:"suspicious_sand"}

This command summons a zombie entity with a custom name and a loot table set to “suspicious_sand”. Note that we haven’t created the loot table yet – we’ll do that in the next step.

Creating the Suspicious Sand Loot Table

Using a text editor or a JSON editor, create a new file named `suspicious_sand.json`. Add the following contents:

  "pools": [
      "rolls": 1,
      "entries": [
          "type": "item",
          "name": "sand",
          "weight": 10,
          "functions": [
              "function": "set_name",
              "name": "Suspicious Sand"

This loot table has a single pool with one entry – the sand item. The `weight` parameter determines the probability of the item being dropped. We’ve also added a `functions` array to set the item’s name to “Suspicious Sand” when it’s dropped.

Applying the Loot Table to the Entity

Save the `suspicious_sand.json` file and navigate to the `.minecraft` directory in your file explorer. Create a new folder named `data` and inside it, create another folder named `loot_tables`. Place the `suspicious_sand.json` file inside the `loot_tables` folder.

Restart your Minecraft game and type the following command in the chat window:


This command reloads the game’s data, including the loot tables.

Testing the Suspicious Sand Entity

Find your Suspicious Entity and attack it until it dies. Congratulations! You should see a “Suspicious Sand” item drop from the entity.

Entity Type Loot Table Structure Type
Zombie suspicious_sand Stone Structure

In this example, we’ve used a zombie entity, but you can apply the loot table to any entity type using the `/summon` command.

Tips and Variations

Now that you’ve mastered the art of making entities drop suspicious sand, here are some additional tips and variations to take your creations to the next level:

  • Experiment with different loot tables and item combinations to create unique experiences.

  • Use the `set_loot_table` function on chests or other containers to create custom loot tables for structures.

  • Combine multiple loot tables using the `merge` function to create complex drop systems.

  • Use the `functions` array to add custom behaviors to items, such as setting their names or enchantments.

With these techniques, you can create intricate systems and challenges that will keep your players engaged and curious.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve demonstrated how to make entities drop suspicious sand from specific structures using the `set_loot_table` function in Minecraft 1.21. By mastering the art of loot tables and entity manipulation, you can unlock new possibilities for game development and customization.

Remember to experiment, adapt, and push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft. Share your creations with the community, and who knows – maybe your suspicious sand-dropping entity will become the next big thing in Minecraft!

Happy crafting, and until next time, stay mysterious!

Frequently Asked Question

Minecraft enthusiasts, gather ’round! Are you curious about making entities drop suspicious sand from specific structures using the set_loot_table function in Minecraft 1.21? We’ve got the scoop for you!

What is the set_loot_table function, and how does it relate to entities dropping suspicious sand?

The set_loot_table function is a Minecraft command that allows you to set the loot table for a specific structure, determining what items or entities will be dropped when it’s broken or destroyed. In this case, you can use it to make entities drop suspicious sand from specific structures. Think of it as a treasure chest, but instead of gold and jewels, you get… suspicious sand!

How do I specify which entities should drop suspicious sand from specific structures?

To specify which entities should drop suspicious sand, you’ll need to use the `/loot` command with the `set_loot_table` function. For example, you can use `/loot set_loot_table @s[type=Zombie] loot_table:suspicious_sand` to make all zombies drop suspicious sand when they die. Replace `@s[type=Zombie]` with the entity type of your choice, and `loot_table:suspicious_sand` with the name of your custom loot table.

How do I create a custom loot table for suspicious sand?

To create a custom loot table, you’ll need to create a JSON file in the `.minecraft/config` directory. Name it something like `suspicious_sand.json`, and add the following contents: `{ “pools”: [ { “rolls”: 1, “entries”: [ { “type”: “item”, “name”: “minecraft:sand”, “weight”: 100 } ] } ] }`. This will create a loot table that drops suspicious sand (actually, just regular sand in this case, but you get the idea!)

Can I make entities drop suspicious sand only from specific structures, like a specific type of building?

Yes, you can! To make entities drop suspicious sand only from specific structures, you’ll need to use the `/structure` command to select the structure, and then apply the `set_loot_table` function to the entities within that structure. For example, `/structure find ~ ~ ~ 10 DesertTemple` will select all Desert Temple structures within a 10-block radius, and then you can use `/loot set_loot_table @e[type=Zombie,distance=..10] loot_table:suspicious_sand` to make all zombies within those structures drop suspicious sand.

What are some creative ways to use the set_loot_table function with suspicious sand?

The possibilities are endless! You could create a whole adventure around suspicious sand, like a treasure hunt where players must track down structures containing entities that drop the sand. Or, you could use it to create a decoy treasure system, where players think they’re getting one thing, but actually get suspicious sand instead. You could even create a whole economy around suspicious sand, where players can trade it in for real rewards. The sky’s the limit!